Coin Master Pets are an important asset that can help you get amazing rewards and bonuses in the game so that you can race ahead of other players. Pets can be a part of your winning strategy that can help double up the winnings that you get after raiding another player. Not just this, they can also come in handy when trying to prevent yourself from being attacked.
This article is all about letting you use pets in the best possible way and it is considered as one of the best tricks in coin master.
Coin Master Pets
There are 3 main kinds of pets in the game Coin Master and they can be a big asset. These include the following:

First of all, let’s talk about the Tiger. Tiger, by nature, is a ferocious animal and it gives you a massive benefit in attacks. When trying to attack another player, it can help you multiply the number of coins that you earn by as much as 410% of the attack value.
Now, that turns out to be a staggering increment in the number of your coins. It goes without saying that attacks are hugely common within the game of Coin Master and that tiger can help you build a large stack of coins. During Attack Madness, Tiger can come to be a massive help in amassing coins.

The second pet that I want to talk about is Foxy. It is my favorite and it happens to be the favorite of most players. This is a pet that can help you amass great fortune during raids.
When Foxy is active while you raid a player it can help multiply the coins earned by as much as 106% of the amount raided. Not just this, it also gives you an extra shovel so that you dig for more chests. At this point, I would like to mention that raids can help you get over 10 billion coins (at 100x) and this is why Foxy can be of great importance in the game.

Yet another pet in this game is the Rhino and it offers protection from being raided. Just like you can attack other players in this game, other players also get a chance to raid you and win your stack of coins. If you do not have any protection they can simply walk away with all your coins, leaving you high and dry.
The Rhino comes in handy since it provides you with a shield so that you can protect your items from being raided and destroyed. Even though this protection is not 100% foolproof, it can still help you save as much as 70% of your precious items.
Thus, it is always a good idea to use the Rhino as you play the game.
Hatch your Pets
Since pets play an important part in the game and can help you get a massive lead over other players, it is important to get them hatched. You have to work your way to get hold of these pets.
In the terminology of the game, you have to hatch your pets before you can use them.
Let’s have a look at how you can get each of these pets in the Coin Master…
The first pet that gets available to you is the Foxy. Now, you have to play the game and reach the village 4 to get this pet active or hatched.
Tiger is somewhat harder to get since you have to complete a card collection before you can lay your hands on this pet. Now, there are many card collections in the Coin Master but the one called the Beast Card Collection is what you have to complete in order to get Tiger.
Rhino is also hatched through a card collection. In order to get a Rhino and the protection that it offers from a raid gets available when you complete the Creatures Card Collection.
Here, I would like to bring to your notice that once a pet gets available, you get a message or notification. Now, what you have to do is just go to the pets section and click on the egg.
How to Upgrade Your Pets
Upgrading your pets is important to multiply the rewards offered by them or increase the protection given by them!
Initially, the rewards and protection offered by pets are not much. For instance, Tiger can only help you get 60% more coins during an attack while Rhino can protect only 10% of your village during an attack.
This is why it is important to upgrade your pets so that they can be more useful for you, both in terms or rewards and protection.
How to Upgrade Pets?
This is done by collecting XP within the game. You can use XP to upgrade your pets and increase their effectiveness so that they not only offer you more rewards but also increase the protection that comes with them.
What you need to be aware of is that with each upgrade your pet animal gets bigger and bigger. For instance, without any upgrade, Foxy can help you get just about 16& more coins in each raid that you conduct.
However, when you get Foxy upgraded to level 47, you are likely to get 90% more rewards. This trend continues and at level 100, you are likely to get 100% more rewards. This cycle, however, doesn’t stop here. When you reach level 186, Foxy helps you get 106% more rewards. The maximum potential of this animal is achieved at level 200. Here is the list of coin master levels along with the cost.
Another important thing to note is that initial upgrades lead to more increments in rewards as compared to those at the later levels or stages in the game. Having said that, even little upgrades count and turn out to be highly useful. Thus, you should never leave out an opportunity to upgrade your pet.
Never Miss Out on Activating Your Pets
You don’t just have to hatch your pets, you have to activate them too and you do so with the help of pet food.
Now, there are two main ways to get pet food in Coin Master. First of all, you get pet food during the course of the game. Secondly, you also get pet food when you complete some of the card sets in some Viking Quest stages.
As mentioned above, this pet food is important for activating your pets. Once the pet (Foxy, Tiger, or Rhino) is activated it stays so for continuous 4 hours.
It is important to keep in mind that you need to play non-stop for these 4 hours to get the maximum benefit out of the pet activated. You do not have the stopping or pausing during this time.
If you stop or quit playing the game within these 4 hours, your activated pet gets back to sleeping mode.
How to Get Free Foxy, Tiger or Rhino every day?
One of the most interesting parts of the game Coin Master is that you tend you get a lot of daily bonuses like spins and there happens to be one in terms of pets too.
You are allowed to use one animal out of Tiger, Foxy, and Rhino for 15 minutes daily. As you play the game, you can see green pet food in the slot screen. As you see that, you can click on one of the three animals as well as the Free button to activate the pet of your desire.
As soon as you do so, you can use either of the three pets for the next 15 minutes. Thus, you must use this free bonus when you are ready to play.
How to Use Pets in Coin Master for Best Results?
1. Try to Upgrade your Foxy first
The best strategy to win a large number of coins involves using Foxy along with the big raids tactic. What you need to keep in mind is that coins are the most important asset in this game and Foxy happens to be the pet that can help you multiply your coin earnings manifold.
Those who have played the game are aware of the fact that foxy can help you amass as many as 10 billion coins in a single raid. Now, that is definitely a huge number.
What you also need to keep in mind is the Foxy can help you get multiple times more than what Tiger can. At village 140, the Tiger can help you get a maximum of 1.5 million for an attack. But if you have the foxy activated, your maximum bet can be multiplied by 200 X so that you can get a bounty of 300 million coins.
Now, that is way ahead of just 1.5 million coins.
So, the best tactic is to use Foxy as much s you can and couple it up with big raids.
2. Upgrade Tiger if you have low raids
Even though Foxy is a great asset, there are times when Tiger can be the best pet to use in the game. This is particularly true when you do not follow the strategy of conducting big raids or when the amount at stake is not big enough for a massive raid.
In a nutshell, for raids that are up to a few million, Tiger happens to be a better option as compared to Foxy. Another important thing to keep in mind is that attacks happen to be more common than raids and thus, Tiger can be a great asset too.
3. Upgrade Rhino if you are a builder
If you are someone who likes to spend his coins on building villages and find it difficult to complete a village at one go, then Rhino is what can help you. This is because you need protection from other players who can raid you village. The protection offered by a Rhino becomes even more important when you are at higher villages that have high village costs.
Even though Rhino does not hold all attacks, it can be really helpful in protecting you from a great deal of such attacks. When you have items in your village that cost billions of coins, Rhino can be a great asset. Here. I would also like to point out that upgrading a Rhino can help you save your village from at least 70% of the attacks.
How do you hatch the pets in Coin Master?
As stated above, there are a couple of ways to hatch different pets in the game. Foxy is available in village 4 and Rhino gets available when you complete the card collection Creatures.
The Tiger gets available when you complete the card collection that goes by the name of Beast.
What can you do with pets in Coin Master?
Pets can be a massive help in the game Coin Master. Foxy can help multiply your coins many times over while raiding someone. Tiger can help you get more coins during an attack and Rhino offers protection or shield in case of you are being attacked by other players.
How long does my pet stays active?
Once a pet is activate it remains so for the next 4 hours. There is no way to stop or pause this active pet and if you leave the game during this time, it gets inactive and you have to feed it again with pet food to activate it the second time.
Moreover, you get a daily option of having a pet of your choice activated for 15 minutes straight.
How do I feed my pet?
In order to feed your pet, you have to offer him pet food.
How do I get more pet food?
There are a couple of ways in which you get pet food. First of all, you get pet food as you play the game. You get rewarded with new pet food during the course of the game. Secondly, you can get pet food after completing certain card sets while playing Viking Quest, etc. Finally, you can also buy pet food.
What is XP in Coin Master?
XP stands for experience points for pets. They have great significance for your pets since they are useful for pet upgrades. Once you upgrade your pet, it offers you more coins during raids, better protection from attacks, etc.
Pets in Coin Master are important since they can help you get an edge over the other players and as such, you must try to use them as far as possible within your game plan.
Abdullah Tariq, the founder of this site, is a passionate gamer and loves sharing his knowledge about gaming hardware and accessories. He is also a software engineer whose ultimate goal is to develop gripping titles.